Collectables Auction 8 August 4pm - The Collector


Collectables Auction 8 August 4pm

We have another eclectic assortment of collectables and antiques along with some weird items! 

Included:  a 19th century military campaign chest, a life size model of a sheep, a 1970s character mug of Henry Bolte modelled by Gus and Betty McLaren, a c1919 photo album featuring St Paul’s Cathedral Old Boy’s outings and road trips, a c1930s well written world travel scrap album, Adelaide onwards, letters by parents to children, with reference to PNG, Hans Heysen,  a London reception for Dr AC Hadden whereby father gave lecture, radio broadcast, museum in Belfast housing their PNG artefacts,  football, F1 sporting collectables, pub advertising mirrors, Australian zinc printing plates with images of cities, relating to 1956 Olympics, portraits of the Japanese Imperial Family in a carved wooden frame, Arts & Crafts oak dining chairs, Chinese railway clock, pistol, camera and other cigarette lighters,  Morris arm chair, flying ducks, redgum dining table, cast iron platform scales, sexton, 1950s tiled coffee table, bicycle oil lamp, Rocke & Co Victorian cedar, pine desk, heaps vinyl, record players ++++

Art includes works by: Matthew James McNally, Fernard Fernel, Benjamin Cole (1697-1783), Arthur E Adams, Bill Beaven, Neil Savage, Charles Young and others. 

Adam’s pick of the week.  The sheep! 


Entries for auctions are welcome.
Goods can be dropped off to our rooms at 25 Melbourne Street, Murrumbeena, 3163 week days 10 till 6pm.

Photos for appraisal can be emailed to us at info@thecollector.com.au or you can call us on 03 95687811/88 and we will answer the phone!

Results of all auctions can be seen  here

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Home » Collectables Auction 8 August 4pm » Auc 8 August 24 » Lot 243 - Vintage Brass Arabian Horse & Warrior Bookends
Lot 243 - Vintage Brass Arabian Horse & Warrior Bookends
Lot 245 - Vintage Permanent Match Cigarette Lighters in Point of Sale Display in
Lot 246 - Lot of Vintage Ephemera incl Postcards, Swap cards, Cards etc
Lot 247 - Group Lot Vintage Pocket Knives - incl Stanley Rogers Knife, 2 x Okapi
Lot 248 - Vintage Mottled Glass Art Deco Light Shade - incl extra accessories, a
Lot 243 - Vintage Brass Arabian Horse & Warrior Bookends
Lot 244 - Lot of Vintage Zinc Printing Plates with Images of Australia incl Pert
Lot 245 - Vintage Permanent Match Cigarette Lighters in Point of Sale Display in
Lot 246 - Lot of Vintage Ephemera incl Postcards, Swap cards, Cards etc
Lot 247 - Group Lot Vintage Pocket Knives - incl Stanley Rogers Knife, 2 x Okapi
Lot 248 - Vintage Mottled Glass Art Deco Light Shade - incl extra accessories, a
Lot 243 - Vintage Brass Arabian Horse & Warrior Bookends
Lot 244 - Lot of Vintage Zinc Printing Plates with Images of Australia incl Pert
Lot 245 - Vintage Permanent Match Cigarette Lighters in Point of Sale Display in
Lot 246 - Lot of Vintage Ephemera incl Postcards, Swap cards, Cards etc
. . .  . . .