We have some exciting collectables for this auction and still unpacking more!
Included is a large collection of vinyl records, some great works of art which include works by Victor Ernest Cobb, Teisutis Zikaras, a Jean Orval framed stained glass picture, a regulator clock, vintage toys, Doulton Kingsware Dewar’s whisky flasks, Wedgwood Jasper ware, petrol tins and bottles, movie and gig posters, blouse chests, small size longcase, time and other clocks, cameras, coins, children’s books, retro figural decanters, Willi Huggler carved wooden nutcrackers and more.
Entries for this and upcoming auctions are welcome. Goods can be dropped off to our rooms at 25 Melbourne Street, Murrumbeena, 3163 week days 10 till 6pm.
Please note we are closed for the Kings Birthday on Monday 10 June.
Photos for appraisal can be emailed to us at info@thecollector.com.au or you can call us on 03 95687811/88 and we will answer the phone!
Results of all auctions can be seen here
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