
Auction Catalogue 20 March 2025

All bidding through the portal on our website.

Viewing hours

Wed  10am – 6pm

Thurs 12pm – 6pm

Auction will start at 6pm Thursday


Auction conditions of sale

  • Payment by credit card, eft or cash
  • Goods to be paid for prior to collection.
  • Late payment will incur a $10 fee.
  • 26% buyer premium + GST + online  5% fee
  • 1 % charge on Credit Card and Eftpos
  • Goods to be collected by 6pm Friday after the sale

We do not offer packing or shipping.

The Collector recommends the services of Pack & Send Caulfield.


The Collector does not accept liability for the acts or omissions of contracted third parties.

Please email us for further information –

TIMED ending from 4pm
1Vintage Oak Bank of MapPlan Drawers - 18 drawers- Brass handles & title opening 109cm H
2set of 4 x Tan Leather Suitcases w black metal clasps & fittings, tapering in size, some slight damage sighted, largest 67cm W
3Miniatures Wooden Display Cabinet - 3 glass shelves central door - free standing & Wall mountable 58cm H
41880s Cedar Chiffonier w Shielded Style Doors to Front - Approx 95cm H
52 x Pieces - Edwardian Cedar Twin Pedestal Desk w Leather inset top + c1930s Desk Chair w Orange Vinyl Upholstery
6Group occasional Furniture inc Mid Century Modernist Hypersonic Ind Sunshine stool, 1980s Smoke glass Tubular brass frame coffee table (chip to glass) & tiled top side table
7Lot of Assorted Pictures, prints & Frames incl cedar c1900, Painted MCM Step Stool etc
8Vintage style Bench seat - Cast Iron base with painted wooden slats
9Vintage Style Metal & Wood Bakers Stand w wine bottle rack - Approx 165cm Approx
103 x pieces - old Singer Sewing Machine w dome top cover, vintage Magazine Rack side table + rocking Foot Stool
11Set of Four High back Blackwood Chairs & Pine Toilet Mirror
12Vintage Powered & Fitted Stereo Cabinet w Components incl Pioneer Rondo 3000 Turntable, Pioneer PD MH10 CD Player, Pioneer Stereo System, Teac Stereo Cassette Deck & Pair of Pioneer Speakers
13Small group - vintage c1900 Light stained Beech Rocking Chair, small Childs Bentwood Chair + 2 x walking sticks
14Vintage Japanese hand painted six fold screen 95cm H
15Vintage Victorian Wooden Trunk Marked Inglis, Melbourne to Back - Approx 43cm H x 92cm W
16Small lot - 2 x Eastern Hardwood Handled Boxes + old Cane Lidded Basket
17Group Assorted Wine Racks incl Plastic Stackable, Metal, etc
18Modern Samsung 41 Inch Television - Missing Remote
192 x modern push along Motorized Garden Tillers Cultivators - Briggs & Stratton Garden Master 65 Hp + smaller Bauholtz
20Vintage McMillan Hack Saw Machine Serial Number 7850
21Vintage McMillan One and Three Quarter Horsepower MC8 Air Compressor with Accessories inc Hoses etc Serial Number 404290
22Group - Power Tools - Heaps Chainsaws incl Electric McCulloch & Ryobi + Fuel Partner 5500, Jonsereds & Baumr-AG + Aeg Belt Sander, etc
23Lot incl 5 x Vintage 20L Oil Drums incl SHELL, Valvoline, Mobil Oil, Castrol & 2 x Cricket Bats including Buffalo 5 & Kookaburra
242 x Vintage Motorbike Signs - large pro hand painted 'Excelsior Autocycle Motor Mfg & Supply Co' + large Metal Harley Davidson Motor Cycles Stencil - Excelsior sign 121 5x37 5cm
25Group lot of Harrods items inc Two Bears inc 1999 dressed bear 50cm L & 4 Mugs & Chocolate Tin money box
26Box lge qty costume jewellery, beads, necklaces etc
272 x Jewellery boxes & contents - costume jewellery inc Beads, Necklaces, brooches, pendants, bracelets sunglasses, commemorative coins etc
28Box lot Mixed inc Victorian China & Glass, Souvenir China, EPNS Ink Well, Ornamental Key, Asian Silver cart etc
292 Boxes plus Mixed inc Enamel coffee pot, metal towel stand, side table, soda syphons, doll, ornate wall mirror etc
303 x Pieces of Vintage Electronics incl Telefunken Stereo 1M Boombox, Thorn Power Focus Solid State Portable TV & Tascam Portastudio MkII Four Track cassette Recorder
31Mixed group Lot incl Vintage Gramophone Parts, 2 x Leather Cases, Leather Seat etc
32Box lot of Assorted Fabrics & Craft Items incl Green Tartan Wool Blanket, Assorted Fabrics, Sewing Threads, Accessories etc
33Group oil lamps inc pair of Copper 19cm H, Brass, Clear glass mountable etc
34Lge Group Vintage Crested Ware -incl Jerceris Vase, Douglas Puzzle Jug, Bournemouth Suitcase, Edinburgh Teapot, London, etc
353 x Boxes of Mixed Kids Games & Toys incl Board Games, Assorted Figures, Hot Wheels, Wii Fit Board w Games etc
36Box Lot of Vintage Metal Tonka Toys incl T-6 Bulldozer
37Group lot - Large Gilt framed Bevelle Edged Mirror + Box mixed items incl Classical EPNS Tea set, Loose & Boxed Cutlery incl James Dixon, Renoir Cabinet plates, Royal Worcester Cake plate, etc
384 x boxes Lego inc, building bricks, bag of mini figures Lego head storage container, Lego City manuals instructions, etc
394 x Boxes of Assorted items inc, ladies bags & clothing, large fringed crochet & silk tablecloth, throws, fabric, Kippah caps, etc
40Mixed Group inc Metal ornaments Copper Musical Windmill, Steam Buggy & Car, Cast Iron Horse shoe cowboy 43cm H and Wooden port barrel with brass bandings on stand
41John Wayne Plasterware Figure - Some repair to base 56cm H
423 x pieces vintage Brass & Metal - Victorian style Brass Table Lamp, Embossed Brass Waste Paper bin + decorator Candlestick Telephone
432 x Boxed of Ladies Items incl Umbrellas, Handbags, Jewellery, Beads etc
443 x boxes - Vintage Plastic Animal Masks & Sporting Books incl Peter Brock, Football, Rugby, Motorsports etc
45Group - Vintage Australian & other Pottery - Bendigo Waverly Ware squat Vase w hole drilled to base, large Stoneware Bread Crock w Lid, etc
46Group vintage copper & copper toned pictures Largest equals 103cm high by 72cm wide
47Modern QU-AX Unicycle w Maxxis Creepy Crawler 20 x 25 Wheel
482 x Boxes plus Mixed Goods incl The Story of Little Black Sambo Book, Assorted China & Glassware, Toad of Toad Hall book, Electric Deep Fryer etc
494 x boxes - 2 x Differing Johnson Bros Dinner Sets - large quantity but not complete inc, vintage with roses decoration & other with pretty blue floral decoration - numerous pieces inc, plates, trios, serving platters, etc
502 x Boxes Mixed Items - incl 2 x Wade Bell's Scotch Whiskey Jugs, Royal Worcester Lidded Jars, EPNS, Cabinet Plates, Porcelain & Other Figures, etc
514 x Boxes of Assorted Handbags, Napery, Fabrics & Ladies items incl Sewing Patterns, accessories, etc
522 Boxes of DVDs inc Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Cheers, Cars, Black Hawk Down, Team America World Police etc
535 x Boxes Mixed Items incl Assorted Books, Green & Red Tiles, Post & Greeting cards, Picture Frames, Christmas Decorations etc
542 x boxes - 2 x EPNS Robur Teapots w infusers + Books incl Ulysses, heaps 'The Saturday Book', The Antique Dealers Tale & others by Yvonne De Bremond D'ars, My Brother Jack, etc
554 x Large Tubs of Assorted Knitting Yarns - mostly as new, assorted colours
56Box lot of Vintage Electrical Components & Items incl Unusual Microphone , Valves, Bakelite Potometers, Resistors etc
57Group lot - cased Mark Williams signature 2 piece Snooker Cue, old 50s Gordons Gin Tray, Box of vintage & Retro Mens Ties, etc
58Small box lot - Oriental & Eastern items - pair Balinese Wall masks, Gilt wooden Buddha & console table, handpainted Japanese Geisha & other Doll heads, etc
59Small lot Incl Vintage Leather Motorcycle Pannier, 2 x Sidchrome Socket Sets , Bulloch Lade Scotch Whisky Tray & Bisley Solvent 4 Fluid Oz tin
60Lot of Mixed Items incl 2 x Australian Pottery, Orange Enamelled Teapot, Framed Genuine Roman Coin etc
61Group 2 x Boxes of mix items inc paper mache cupids, old engraving of New Orleans, balsa wood model kit, shop bell, Sanyo portable cassette recorder, scale model Hummer, elephant plant stand etc
622 x Boxes of Mixed Tools incl Vintage Wooden Case Screw Extractors made by P & N Tools Victoria, Cased Bosch Electric Drill, Assorted Modern & Vintage Hand Tools, Rope etc
634 x boxes Assorted Goods incl Ceramics, Glassware, Wooden Items etc
64Group - Tools & other items - 2 x large Rusty metal Hanging Hooks, Spanners, Wrenches, old Canvas Feed Bag, etc
652 x Potted Miltonia Orchards in flower 26cm & 20cm Pots - Larger 11 spikes,
664 x Potted Plants inc 2 x Epidendrum (Epi) Orchards, Cymbidium Orchid 26cm pot & Jade Plant 20cm pot
67Group Mixed Items incl Assorted Tools, Stereo Receiver, Metal Toolboxes etc
684 x Boxes mostly vintage craft, knitting, napery tapestry & crochet items inc, threads, sewing items, knitting needles, needlepoint hoops, magazines, etc
692 x Boxes of mixed Items incl Australian Stonehaven Raku Pottery Vase, Hand Painted Ceramic Jewish Platter, 2 x Framed Jewish Tapestry's etc
70Group lot of Mixed Items Incl Records, Napery, Assorted Books & Others incl Lennon & McCartney go Spanish, Don Mclean, The Jungle Book LP etc
71Group incl 2 x Boxes of Vintage Tools, 2 x Vintage Sash Clamps, Box of Jars, Box of Fire Extinguishers, 6 x Boxed Modern Shower Taps etc
72Box lot of Mixed Vintage Items incl Mixed Vintage Books, Binoculars, Shoe Lasts etc
73Mixed Box lot inc Large French Crystal Bowl,1950s Pale Green suede shoes, reference books, dolls etc
74Two Boxes of Vintage Mixed Items inc Cuckoo Clocks, Victorian Fretwork Clock case, Bendigo Pottery Jar, Rosebank Stackhat, Hurricane Lamps etc
75Box Decorative Arts, Jewellery & Antiques Auctions Catalogue from 2014 to 2023
76Box Assorted Electrical Items incl Bedside Lamps, AWA Bluetooth Alarm Clock Radios & Portable Heater
774 x boxes Assorted Goods incl Ceramics, Glassware, Spirit Level, Pictures etc
782 x Boxes of CDS & Vinyl LP Albums incl Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Who, Lou Reed etc
794 x Boxers of Assorted Goods incl Books, Framed Paintings & Pics, DVDs, Assorted Items etc
803 x Boxes incl Cased Kodak Carousel Projector, Large Vintage Metal Scales w Accessories & Box of DVDs & Kids Books
81Vintage style Concrete Japanese Garden Pagoda Lantern - lift off top - approx 40cm H
822 x Vintage Concrete Garden Ornaments incl Classical Figure of a Lady & A Turtle
83Large vintage hand blown Green Glass Buoy in 1970s Macrame Plant Hanger - approx 31cm H
84Box lot plus inc 1930s English China - Lemon leaf bowl with raised flowers and Green trim, Meakin Golden Flame Trio, Large ribbed jug with country house & gilt trim 28cm H, Framed Princess Diana oil painting by Peter Kennedy etc
85Box of Mixed Crystal & Glass & China incl 3 x Lidded Dressing Table Boxes, Japanese Porcelain part set, Bowls, Candlesticks etc
863 x Boxes CDs & DVDs inc Stevie Wonder, Simply Red, Buena Vista Socia Club, Alberta Hunter DVDs - Mother of Rock, Casablanca, The Bridge on the River Kwai etc
874 x Vintage Toys inc Timber Tots Magic Tree, Mattel Boxed Baby Come Back, Tonka Maple Town Forest Train & Playdoh Fuzzy Pumper
882 x Boxes of Mixed EPNS Pieces incl Serving Trays, Jugs, Platters etc
89Large Group Toys & Dolls - box w Soft Toys, dolls, etc + 3 x Dolls Prams incl Victorian style
90Mixed Box inc Tea For One Teapot, Cup & Saucer, Major Mitchell Trail Metal Tags, Carved African Napkin rings, Oil Painting, Books etc
91Box lot of books inc Blamey, Former Naval Person Winston Churchill and the Royal Navy, Onassis An Extravagant Life, The Mountbattens etc
92Box lot incl 6 x as new ladies bags, Hedgren, Louie leather, Longchamp shopper, Oriental wooden box etc
93Mixed Group lot in Gilt framed Mirror with bevelled edges 49cmH, Ornate Gilt wire work doll stroller,, Pair Ivorex Plaques, & Framed Tapestry
942 x boxed modern Kids Toy Aircraft Carriers - Remote Control 'Challenger' 1275 scale + Universal US Aircraft Carrier w plastic & diecast Fighter Jets & Helicopter - 76cm L
95Mixed Group inc Small scales with weights, 2 sets of brass weights & Box Vintage books
96Small group lot - 1930s Wedgwood 'The Cube' Teapot, 1930s Green Depression glass Bon Bon dish, Poker Work Board, etc
97Box lot of German WW2 & other books inc The German Opposition to Hitler, Eva Braun Hitler's Mistress etc Some in German
98Box Lot of Vintage Ephemera incl 2 x 1940 & 1941 Hudson's Store Catalogue Advertising Camping & Hardware, 1956 Melbourne Olympic Yearbook etc
992 x boxes - Cd's, Star Wars VHS Video Cassettes, Dvds, etc - Rolling Stones, RHCP, Nirvana, Magic Dirt, Lou Reed, Tricky, etc
100Group Lot of Items incl 2 x Framed 1959 & 1964 People Magazine Covers, Egyptian Styled Copper Wall Hang, Assorted 45rpm Vinyl Singles & Vintage Wooden Valet
1012 x Boxes mixed inc Leather covered horses, Harlequin Jester dolls, Glass, Ceramics, Framed picture, silver tone pear ornaments etc
102Lot of Mixed Items incl Assorted Hand Tools, Mixed Spark Plugs, Cased Electric Engraver Tool, Vintage Cases etc
103Box Lot of assorted framed Pictures incl Assorted Prints, Framed Photograph of the Amalfi Coast, Italy etc
104Grp - Vintage Wooden Childrens Playpen, Onkyo Stereo receiver, Boxed Vintage Tasco Telescope, 3 x Framed Paintings & Assorted Glass Pieces
1054 x Boxes of assorted vintage dolls, dolls house accessories furniture & Clothing for dolls & babies
1063 x boxes - Mixed Items - Kids Toy Cars, heaps Vintage & Modern Golf Balls, reference Books, packaged As New items, etc
107Group Coin Currency & Ephemera inc Aust 1966 Decimal Coins medal, Large quantity Coin currency mostly Aust Copper pennies, Australasian Coin & Banknote Magazines & 2012 World Coins Catalogues
1082 Boxes Mixed Vintage inc Sci-Fi & Fantasy Posters some by Rodney Matthews Paperback novels, Jigsaws etc
1095 x Framed Paintings incl Original Neil Savage Painting , 3 x Framed Country Scenes & Framed Tapestry
1102 x Boxes of Mixed Vintage Vinyl LP Records incl Rock Compilations, Empty Record Covers, Jerry Reed, Johnny Ray etc
1113 x pieces - Modern briefcase style Record Player, Green Enamel Light shade + Retro Orange Danish light shade w fitting af
112Box lot of Assorted Hardcover Art & Design Reference Books incl The Land Before Time, Hide & Seek, New York Interiors etc
1132 x Vintage Lacquerware Items incl Oriental Lacquerware Black & Red Bowl & Two Tier Woven Lidded Basket w Flower Decorations
114Mixed group inc Vintage mantle clock, Brass Gong, Canteen cutlery box, Staedtler drafting set, Framed Battle of Britian print etc
1152 Boxes China mostly Blue & White inc Crown Stafford Cake Set, Delft Vase, Miniatures, Jugs - Blue & White Cups, plates, platter, Floral pin dishes etc
116Group lot of Studio Ghiblie Collection Anime DVDs inc Kikis Delivery Service, The Wind Rises, Howls Moving Castle, The Princess of Kaguya etc
117Box Lot Mixed Vintage Ephemera - incl Auction Catalogues from John Perceval, Robert Dickerson, Criss Canning, Sotheby & more, framed pics, other ephemera, etc
1184 x Art & Design Reference Books - Lalique Jewellery & Glassware, Art Nouveau & Art Deco Silver, Tiffany Masterworks + Art Deco 1910-1939 NGV Exhibition Catalogue
119Group Lot Mixed Vintage Books - incl Royal Doulton Figures, Lands and Peoples Volumes, Cobbers by Thomas Wood, The Gnomes Kitchen & Michelin Man Tin Sign
1205 pieces inc copper wall hanging featuring animals & 4 mounted horse brass sets on leather
121Group Lot Vintage Pretty China - Mostly English + Noritake, Miniature Carltonware Jug feat Puppets, Aynsley Ring Holder, etc
122Mixed Group lot inc Glass square Plate with Fish design, Mats Jonasson Crystal Penguin Paperweight, Goebel Monk Salt & jugs (1 af), 1950s Wade Dilly Duck (af) & long necked duck etc
1234 x Pieces Ceramics incl Ceramic Teapot w Warming Cover, Sylvac Jug w Bird Handle, Remued Basket & Electric Jug
124Group lot vintage ceramics inc Masons Ironstone Red Vista Jug Cups & Saucers, c1900 AJ Wilkinson Teal Arcadia platter, Flow Blue oval platter, Blue & White Johnson Old Britian Castle, Burleigh Ware Willow etc
125Part Dinnerset - Late 1800s Sampson Hancock & Sons - Norman Pattern China inc Oval platters, Lidded Tureens, Dinner plates, Side Plates etc
126Folding Chinese Small Occasional Table & Mantle Clock in Shaped Natural Wooden Base
1272 x Sets of Classic Australian Kids Books incl The Blinky Bill Collection w Volume 1 The Life & works of Dorothy Hall & Volume 2 Selected Works of Blinky Bill & May Gibbs Collection w Mother of the Gumnuts & Gumnuts Classics
128Mix Lot of Cigarette Related & Other Items incl Cigarette Roller, Mini Cigarette Lighter Refuelling Can etc
129Group vintage copper & brass items inc goblets, bell, creamer jugs etc
1302 x modern Boxed Kids Toys - 1 18 scale Maisto diecast 1951 Volkswagen Cabriolet + Remote Control 'Ultrafast Yacht' Speedboat made by RB
131Mixed Group inc Crocodile Skin belt with horse themed buckle, Metal tin, Large Cast Barrel keys, 1970s ceramic prancing horse (af)
132Small Lot of Vintage Mixed Items incl Porcupine Quill Box marked France 1914 to underside, 22 Caliber Leather Ammo Belt, Morse Code tapper etc
133Group Vintage Shoe Ornaments - Various Styles & Sizes incl Victorian Style, Cut Glass, Italian, etc
134Vintage Home & Life Magazines incl Modern Homes, Home Beautiful, LIFE, Home & Garden etc
135Mixed Lot Assorted Items incl Bakelite Tray, English Hadley Ceramic Elephant Vase AF, Calisthenics Batons, Souvenir Luna Park Cup etc
136Group lot vintage Blue & White China inc 19th Century Cup & Saucer, Trios - Spode Italian, Royal Doulton Norfolk, Adams, Royal Worcester Twinings large cup, Wedgwood Footed pots Platters, Bowls, Cups & Saucers, Jugs, Gravy Boat etc
137Mixed Group lot inc Wedgwood Ice Rose Vase, Lidded powder bowl and pin dish, Aynsley Pembroke vase, Bing & Grondahl Vase, Royal Worcester Laboratory bowls & Royal Doulton Minden pattern lidded tureen
138Group lot of Vintage China & Glass inc, Limoges Porcelain & metal lidded bowl with ornate feet, frosted light shade, Paragon, Limoges & other pin dishes miniature cup saucer, small bowls, mustard pots, etc
1392 x Vintage Metal Platters incl WMF Art Nouveau Platter w Raised Chickens & Classical Walker & Hall Platter
140Group lot of Vintage inc Metal Goose neck lamp Amber depression class round footed tray, Gramophone tins & wire spectacles & Magnifier
141Lot of Mixed Music & Theatre ephemera inc Frank Sinatra 1955 Australian Tour Presentation Booklet, Secretary Bird w Patrick Mcnee Poster, 2 x Joined Beatles Scrapbooks etc
1424 x Vintage Commemorative Cabinet Plates - incl Royal Doulton 'The First Voyage' Aus Bicentenary Plate, Myles Standish & The Mayflower, William Shakespear & Robert Burns Spode Cabinet Plates
143Artist Unknown (T Kit) small framed c1920s Watercolour & Gouache - A Clipper Ship, possibly the Eden Holme - Signed T Kit, lower right, in original wide oak frame w Gilt Slip - 8x12 5cm
144Group vintage Crested Ware inc Australian - A plate of Bowton Trotters, Lorne Boot, Anvil, The Weir Mildura, SA Candlestick, Mt Buffalo Hobart, Ballarat etc
145Vintage 1949 50 Pressed metal Boot from a Gresham Flyer Deluxe Kids Tricycle - blue w white pin striping, original decal, some damage sighted
146Group Lot of Mixed Items incl Melbourne Football Club Boot Decanter
1474 x Vintage Beattie Jet Lighters inc some with leather, some with initials etc
148Vintage Cased Yamaha 5 piece Clarinet - made in Japan, marked 4C to mouthpiece
149Group Lot Vintage Printing, Typography Books & Ephemera - incl Diagrams of Imposition, Fonts, The Kluge Parts Catalogue, Typefaces, Atkins & Co, etc
150Pair of vintage Unsigned Indian Watercolours - Girls in Traditional Dress Playing Sitar & Holding Bird & Lily - both unsigned, very fine detail - 14x9cm Each
151Group Lot of Vintage Comical Dog Advertising Swap Cards
152Grp costume jewellery - Murano necklaces, glass etc
153Group Oriental items inc Vintage Chinese Blue & White Pot, Bowl with copper red design, 27cm D, Set 4 Bowls, small Bowl & Brass twin Photo frames
1543 x vintage Nimrod Pipeliter novelty cigarette lighters
155Grp - approx 25 x 1920s+ postcards mainly humour, Orient Line, postcard size Photographs album, empty
156Pair Framed c1930s Silver Foil & Handpainted Glass Pictures featuring a Dandy & A Crinoline Lady - approx 30x20cm each
157Black Painted Cast Iron bust of a Miner - Approx 18cm H
1586 x Vintage Ronson ornate table lighters inc Newport, Crown, Queen Anne etc
1594 x novelty advertising Priscilla the Musical pink ping pong balls
160Lot of CDs incl Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros, Ramones, Tom Waits, Public Enemy, Frank Zappa etc
1616 x Vintage Copper Wall Hang Plates incl Large Plate w image of Peter Paul Rubens, A Stag in the Woods, Dining Scenes etc
1623 x pieces - Vintage Copper & Brass - Large Ewer + 2 x copper teapots - ewer 43cm H
1631930s Cased Ernst Lietz Wetzlar Microscope w 5 x, 10 x , 45 x & Unmarked Eye Pieces
164Vintage HECLA Electric Foot Warmer w Ornate pattern & Modern Power Plug
165Group mostly boxed Crystal items inc, Villeroy & Boch Tondo Bowl, Mikasa Harlow candle holder, 4 x Mikasa La Belle wine glasses, wooden trinket box, etc
166Vintage Phillips Light Bulbs Point of Sale Display w Some Contents
167rOtoring Mechanical Pencil Set for Technical Drawing, Faber-Castell TG1-S Technical Drawing Pencil Set, Assorted Vintage Graphis Graphic Art Magazine & Metal Number and Letter Stencils
168Box lot of Carded Diecast Scale Model Cars incl Hot Wheels, Majorette, Corgi etc
1693 x Assorted Signs Bronze Plaque w Details to Back, Japanese Post Office Sign & Benny Y Round Sign
170Box Assorted Vintage Playing Cards & Ornate Knife inc Models of All Nations playing Cards , Aloha Hawaii Playing cards etc
171Group lot vintage Blue & White china - Palissy Pattern inc Royal Worcester Avon series oval platters, Lidded bowl, various sized plates, & Staffordshire lidded tureen,
172Lot Ceramics & Glassware incl Clarice Cliff, West German 5 Piece Ourdever Ceramic Set, Bright Orange Glass canister, Figural Money Box etc
173Mixed Group lot Vintage inc 2 Hallmarked sterling silver lid vanity jars, Wall mounting wooden Stockings hanger, WMF Brass Cup, Brass Powder pot, Brush & Mirror, Vanity Jars etc
174Group Vintage Royal Doulton China - incl Owl Shaped Vase, Plates, Jugs, Saucers - various patterns, Willow, Orchid, etc
1754 x Boxes of Mostly Ceramics & Glassware incl Australian Ceramics, Glass oil Lamp Shades, heaps Torquay Ware, Assorted Ceramics & Other Items
200Box vintage cigarette lighters & accessories inc Zippo (af), permanent matches, rope lighter etc
201Group costume jewellery inc Faux pearl necklaces, snake chain necklace Beads, Brooches, Gold Mesh choker, Fish earrings etc
202Lot of Vintage Mixed Cigarette Lighters incl Japanese, Copper Lighter, Ronson Super Lighters etc
203Group Jewellery inc marked silver jewellery, pearl & turquoise necklaces, earrings, marcasite etc
204Small Lot of Vintage Windproof Lighters & Others incl Survival Tin w Waterproof Matches, Novelty Key Style Cigarette Lighter, Lighter Patented June 8 1880 etc
205Mixed Group inc Gilt Brass Commemorative Admiral Lord Nelson Visitor souvenirs Trafalgar 1805, White metal handles shaker, Hinged Brass square box with raised animals & flora, Brooch, Novelty brass plaque, Cut Glass Perfume bottles af etc
206Group Lot Vintage Comical Postcards incl Pelican, Bob haircut, A Christmas Smile
207Group Costume Jewellery inc Designer - Tiffany style cuff bracelet, Kangaroo brooch, Dali style lip earrings, Modernist brooches, Elk black wooden twist bangle, Colourful brooches - Peacock, Humming Bird, Masquerade, Fork & Spoon etc
208Vintage Comical & Glamour Items incl 2 x Snappy Stories Magazines & Assorted Vintage Comical Risque Postcards
209Grp mainly silver jewellery - pendants, necklaces, chains, Siam brooch, earrings etc some need clasps
2102 x Eastern White Metal Smoking Pipes incl one w Butterfly Decoration
211Vintage Novelty Trick NULLCigarettes EgyptiennesNULL Cigarette Tin - Wind-up Clock work mech to Spark when Opened - original Faux Cigarette Paper to interior, with Tri-ang Key to wind
212Lot of Vintage IMCO & Other Fuel Cigarette Lighters incl Junior, Streamline etc
213Mixed Group vintage inc Gieves & Hawkes Savile Row Boater Hat, Misses Mooney Melb Ladies Pillbox hat, Silk Scarf & fabric Prayer Mat etc
214Vintage Italian Mario Bologna Vero Cuoio Knee-High Ladies Boots - Size 375 - Beautiful Heavily Decorated Brown Leather with Wooden Heel, Pointed Toe & Zip
2152 x Boxes Ladies Bags & Scarves inc Scarves, silk, silk velvet, chiffon, beaded - Bags Cellini, Jean Weisz, Patchwork, Embroidered fabric etc
216Group Lot Ladies Designer Clothes, Shoes & Accessories - incl Jimmy Choo Gold Wedge Heels, Jimmy Choo Purse, Lipsy London Dress, Alex Perry Animal Print Sunglasses, Italian High Heels, Manolo Blahnik, Gianmarco Lorenzi, etc
217Group Lot Ladies Pretty Evening Dresses - incl Black Mossman Long sleeve Dress, Anetha Crawford Top & Blazer, Red Sequin Dress, etc
2182 x vintage Australian Radio Station T-Shirts - 87 2GB & Zeek Keez 97 Stereo Rock - both smaller sizes
219Group lot Vintage hand made Retro Costumes & Outfits in Shiny Metallic Materials - 1990s Spacey style Pink & Black 2 piece Outfit, Pair Green Dancing Pants w Silvered highlights + amazing 2 piece outfit w Green Jump suit & Silver & Green overlay
220Group lot - Vintage Ladies Tops - Blouses, Jackets, Gowns, etc - some bright colourful designs, various labels & sizes
2212 x Ladies Sequinned & Beaded Dresses inc calf length black evening dress with floral beaded and sequined decoration & long white evening Gown with gold and silver bead work and white sequins - low v back
222Group Lot Ladies Clothing & Shoes - incl Mimco Red Suede Heels w Silver Tone Detail (39), Princess Charlotte Bedazzled Jeans, etc
223Vintage Barbara Buick Silk Tiger Dress - Silk Tiger Dress from Vogue Fall Winter Collection 2012-13 (approx size 12)
2243 x Motorcycle Jackets incl Rivet Airtex XL, Cordura XXL & Another Rivet Airtex Motorcycle Jacket
225Group - 1980s Three Piece Cane Lounge Suite + matching Coffee Table, 2 x Smaller Chairs & 2 x Side Tables
225.1Large Vintage round shape Persian rug with traditional red & blue toned pattern Faded label sighted
226Modern LEGEND branded Acoustic Guitar w Mother of Pearl Style Inlays & Lockable Hard case - Made in China , Model - D41080MHGP
227Pair of modern reproductions of Arne JacobsenNULLs Swan Chairs - Red velour upholstery w some slight marks on swivel bases
2284 x 1960s Bernhart Pederson Danish Dining Chairs w Black Leather Cushions - Unmarked
229Retro 1970s Italian Ceramic Lamp - white glazed aged look with Twin Handles to top, marked to base, original period shade - 82cm H
2303 x 1970s Handmade Israeli Wall Hang BatikNULLs
231Retro 1960 - 70s Bitossi Italian Pottery Lamp - typical Blue & Green Glaze w band of impressed decoration around body, original tall cylinder shade - 65cm H w shade
232Retro 1960 - 70s Bitossi Italian Pottery Lamp - typical Green & Blue Glaze w band of impressed decoration around body, original tall Green & Blue cylinder shade - 68cm H w shade
233Retro NULLModuleNULL Teak Veneer Record Cabinet - 92cm L x 86cm H - on wheels (one wheel af), some chips and marks
234Retro 1960 70s Australian Made Record Cabinet - Faux wood grain Laminate to top & front, 5 x record slots to interior, typical Gold Capped Feet - 75cm W
2353 x vintage Stray Cats Vinyl Lp Records - all Australian Pressings - Rant NNULL Rave, Runaway Boys & Gonna Ball - all Arista label
236Lot of Vinyl LP Albums incl the Black Sorrows, Midnight Oil, The Angels, Bruce Springsteen, The Style Council, Blondie etc
237Vintage Vinyl Lp Record - Orion NULLRockabillyNULL - Australian pressing, Sun Label L-37528
238Vintage Keel pressing Warren Zevon Vinyl Lp Record - Wanted Dead or Alive - Pickwick label SPC-3715
2394 x vintage Link Wray & Robert Gordon Vinyl Lp Records - Link Wray & The Raymen NULLRocknRollnRumbleNULL, Link Wray Live at the Paradiso + Robert Gordnon with Link Wray & Robert Gordon NULLBad BoyNULL - various labels, some Australian pressings
2404 x Vintage The Beatles Cassette Tapes - all Japanese release - Yellow Submarine (EAZA-3632), Rock & Roll Music Vol 1 & 2 (ZR23-540 & 541) + John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band NULLLive Peace in Toronto 1969NULL (ZR23-452) - all with original cardboard sl
2412 x Vintage 10 inch Sun Label Compilation Vinyl Lp Records - both French pressings - Rock Baby Rock It & Rockabilly Jamboree - CFM 501 & CFM 505
242Group lot - Classic Rock N Roll Vinyl Lp Records - Eddie Cochran, Ritchie Valens, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bill Haley, etc - 2 wout covers
243Small group lot - 2 x Vinyl Lp Records & Empty covers - Rolling Stones NULLGet Yer Ya-YaNULLs Out!NULL, John Lennon NULLRock n RollNULL & 3 x The Beatles covers only NULLHelpNULL, NULLFor SaleNULL & NULLPlease Please MeNULL
2444 x Vintage The Beatles 45rpm Vinyl Single Records All on Parlophone Label incl Original 1967 Mono Magical Mystery Tour w Booklet (MMT-1), 1963 Twist & Shout Mono Single (GEPO 8882) Cant Buy Me Love Single (A-8113) & Lady Madonna Single (R5675)
2454 x vintage Classic Rock & Roll Vinyl Lp records relating to Sun Records - Sun The Roots of Rock vols 5 & 9 + The Legendary Sun Performers Sonny Burgess & Carl Mann - all Charly Record label
246Group lot - Vintage Vinyl Lp Records - Blackfeather NULLBoppin the BluesNULL, The Animals, 2 x Australian pressing Creedence Clearwater Revival Double LpNULLs, etc
247Group lot - vintage British Rockabilly & Rock n Roll Vinyl Lp Records - The Riot Rockers, Freddie Fingers Lee, Flying Saucers, Johnny & the Jailbirds, Major Matchbox, Crazy Cavan, The Shakin Pyramids, etc - various labels incl Charly Records
2484 x vintage Australian & NZ Rockabilly & Rock vinyl Lp Records - Little Heart Attacks, Gary Young & the Rocking Emus, Dancehall Racketeers & Johnny Devil - various labels, in GC
249Large group lot - Vintage Country & Western Vinyl Lp Records - heaps Waylon Jennings, Smokey & The Bandit soundtrack, Mickey Gilley, Johnny Cash NULLOld Golden ThroatNULL, Honky TonkinNULL compilation, Wanda Jackson, etc
250Mixed lot vintage Vinyl Lp Records - 2 x Jimmy Hendrix LpNULLs (no covers), Stevie Ray Vaughan, Bruce Springsteen, Jive Bunny, Beach Boys, Slade, Kylie, etc
251Group lot - vintage American Rockabilly & Rock n Roll Vinyl Lp Records - Sleepy Labeef, Hank Mizell, Zeb Turner, Rusty & Doug Kershaw, Charlie Feathers, etc
252Howard William Steer (1947 - ) Gilt framed Oil Painting & Bitumen on Canvas - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - Signed & Titled lower left - 39x49cm
253Margaret Anderson Hope (1848 - 1934) Small Gilt Framed Oil Painting - Tasmanian River Scene - Unsigned, details on label affixed verso - 12 5x24 5cm
254Frederick John Widgery (British, 1861 - 1942) Gilt framed Watercolour & Gouache - Coastal Scene - Signed lower left - 24x33cm
255Leo Robba (1962 - ) Framed Ink Drawing - Female Solitude, working drawing Figure study, Nov 1983 - signed & dated NULL83, lower centre, inscribed with title lower right & left - 40x26cm
255.1Carol Travers Lummus (American 20th C) Framed Colour Etching - Wake up Trilby, it Time to Sing - signed, dated 1976, titled & numbered in pencil on Margin - usual shape image approx 30x35cm
256B Dileva (Active c1980s) Framed Gouache on Gold Leaf Paper - A Pair of Loons - Signed B Dileva & dated NULL81, lower left, also signed with character marks upper right - 30x40cm
257Artist Unknown c1898 Framed Watercolour - Dights Lagoon, Albury - Signed w Monogram & dated NULL98, lower left, further details on label affixed verso - 19x34cm
258Michael Blamey (Active c1990s - 2020s) set of 7 x Framed Photographs - People, Places & Things - 4 signed & dated 1999 verso - 15 5x15 5cm each
259Unframed set of 9 x colour prints to fit together as 1 - Ghetto Blaster - after Banksy - approx 126x90cm
260Ernest Vogel (1909 - 1993) Framed Watercolour - The Road Home - signed lower right - 28x38cm
261Tim Guthrie (1933 - 1991) Framed Oil Painting - Paddocks & Hills - Signed & dated NULL65, lower left - 44 5x66 5cm
262Harold Brocklebank Herbert (1891 - 1945) Large framed Watercolour & Gouache - The Country Church - Signed lower right - 29x43cm
263Vintage Australian Photographs & Postcards incl Tasmania, Healesville, Lakes Entrance, Daylesford etc
2643 x 118 Scale Model Diecast Cars incl Austin Mini Cooper, in black body with white roof (Maisto), a Mercedes-Benz Class A in red body (Maisto), and a Volkswagen New Beetle in green body (Maisto), vgc
265Lego Train with Loco, station & tracks, etc
266Unframed signed Frank Weissenborn Ltd Ed Print from the Comic Book Art Bebe - Lash it to Transcend it! Join the Art Bebe Movement - signed in Silver Texta lower left & numbered 9 50, lower right - 46x32cm
26713 x The Beatles Monthly Books - Editions from Jan 1966 - Jan 1968
2683 x Vintage stylish shaped lighters inc red hammertone, chrome Automet USA etc
2693 x pieces - Vintage Australian Pottery - Webley Golden Fleece Ashtray, small Aboriginal Vase signed NULLKymNULL to base + Unmarked Retro bowl from Alice Springs in the style of Gunda - vase 12 5cm H
2702 x Australian Pottery hand built items inc, lidded trinket box with textured finish & a free form sculptural form also textured finish, both stamped but illegible, approx 4 -10cm H
271Vintage Marelli made in Italy Desk Fan - Green body w Brass Blades & Cage - 33cm H
2724 x Modernist stylish shaped table cigarette lighters inc Fisher etc
2733 x Vintage Brass Artillery Shells inc 40mm Trench Art Shell & 2 x Larger 40mm Bofors Mk 4 Shells
274Vintage Novelty Am Radio shaped like Stephensons Rocket Steam Train - made in Japan by Waco, Brass & Plastic - 24cm H
2751950s Hard Plastic Walker Doll - possibly Roddy - still walking, head turns as walks - approx 24cm H
2763 x Ceramic Crown Devon Pottery Perky Pups - 2 x incl Amber Bead Eyes & other - blue glaze and small pup marked to base - tallest approx 11cm H
277Group Vintage Cigarette Lighters inc novel cigarette shaped, bakelite etc
278Group Lot Vintage - incl Boxed WH Harling Mathematical Instruments, Reeves & Sons Ruler Protractor and Rabone Sliding Ruler
2792 x vintage novelty oversized cigarette lighters marked Japanese to base Tallest is 17cm
2802 x pieces Vintage Brass - Large Primus Blow Torch 38cm H + Welsh Miners Lantern w plaque to front & details to base
2814 x Vintage stylish shaped table cigarette lighters
282Vintage Tress & Co Expandable Top Hat - NULLHenry BucksNULL w Coat of Arms to hat interior
283Genuine Akubra Australian Military Slouch Hat w Australian Army Legal Corp Cap Badge & Rising Sun Australian Army Badge - Size 56, Made in June 2014
284Vintage Bennetts Wallaby Fur Box by Robyn Eades - Approx 32cm Diameter
2852 x Framed Watercolours - Gerald Ansdell (Australian 1880 - 1972) landscape with Pond 24x35cm + George Ernest Hale (British 1861 - 1933) The Cotswolds signed & titled - 17x22cm
286Group - Framed & Unframed Aboriginal Paintings & Screenprints - some w details verso - largest 40x50cm
2873 x Vintage Australian Aboriginal Hand Woven bags
288Lot of Vintage Framed Engravings of Colonial Scenes incl some from The Illustrated London News 1851
289Group lot - NZ Maori Items - Carved Wooden Longboat 67cm L, Small House box, Tiki, etc
2902 x John Gould HC Books - Mammals Of Australia & Kangaroos both with slipcases
291Pair vintage Mounted Bulls Horns - 75cm W
2922 x vintage Carved Wooden Tribal figures - Trobriand Islands Crocodile + Hawaiian Tiki - Tiki 47cm H
2934 x Vintage EPNS Bottle Coasters inc, with wooden bases & Strachan
294Vintage Arts & Craft & Art Nouveau Copper Frames incl Mirror & Photo Frame by Samtico Art Metal to Fit Image 7 x 5 Inches
295Group Lot Vintage Magazines & Ephemera - incl D W Chandler Hardware Catalogue, Cyclopaedia of Mechanics, Wireless Weekly, etc
296Vintage Oak Rotating Cake Stand on Bronze Pedestal Base - approx 36cm D
297Lot of 1930s English Ceramic Pieces incl Candy Ware Vase, Six Sets of Heathcote China Trios
298Small lot mixed Vintage Books - NULLHow to DanceNULL Season 1936-1937, Descriptive Handbook of Architecture by Martin Buckmaster pub London by Routledge & Sons, Favourite Recitations of Favourite Actors, Later Queens of the French Stage, etc
299Grp - Art Nouveau style jewellery box, Ingersol, Ortin watches, sil earrings, enamel pin, trinket box, sm Lancome perfume etc
3005 pces Pottery inc Australian Pilliga incised blue bird & branch decoration orange glaze interior incised to base 27cm H, Nykel Platter, Japanese Bonsai pot etc
3012 x pieces Australiana - 1930s Colourful Pokerwork Doyley Press featuring Kookaburra & Gum Leaves + vintage style plaster ware Vent Cover featuring Kookas & Gum Nuts & leaves etc
302Group figures inc carved African serpentine stone, Thorn Arts - Nanaimo British Columbia of Inuit in Canoe with damage to prow etc
3033 x Vintage EPNS Coffee & Tea Sets incl Sheffield, Lustre & Paramount
304Small Mixed Group - incl 1970s Italian Purple Decorative Jug w Matching Stopper, Moustache Cup & Saucer and Resin Buddha
3059 x vintage Cookery books - Dinkie Die, 1939 Aust Sunshine, Kelloggs, Sweetex, The Leader Spare Corner etc
3065 x Vintage Ronson table lighters inc Leona, Decanter, Newport, Diana etc
307Group vintage Carved Wooden Animals - Pair stylised 1970s Teak Antelopes, Ebony Elephant, Giraffe, Owl, etc - tallest 41cm H
307.1Lot Copper & Brass Miniatures incl Oil Lamp decanter (no stopper), Kettle, Anvil, Pair of Candlesticks etc
308Lot of Vintage Cooper Cookware incl Chasseur 1924 pot w Lid & 5 x Copper Pans made in Canada
309Group lot vintage Motor vehicle rear lights inc Boxed For Rear Lamp Lens BGA-13450-A (Possibly XP Falcon ) & two sets
310Lot of Vintage Cameras & Camera Equipment incl Shinano Lacon C SLR Camera, Kodak Brownie 127 Camera, Kodak Brownie, Booklets on Photography, Assorted Film etc
311Lot of Vintage Mostly RONSON Cigarette Lighters incl Merecedes-Benz Lighter, Lighter Advertising Waikerie, SA etc
3122 x vintage c1950s Ceramic Clocks - both w replaced Batt Op Movements - Mauthe w Green Ends & another unbranded w Orange Ends
3132 pces vintage inc Aust Corio Whisky Metal Aust Flag Desk ornament with advertising to the base & Goodwill Co USA White Mountain Apple Cast iron corer
314Group Vintage table lighters inc one with fahrenheit thermometer, Ronson De-Light, Polo etc
315Group lot of China inc, Worcester squat vase with hand painted berries, flowers & foliage by Kitty Blake, Royal Crown Derby Demitasse in the Chatsworth pattern lidded container & an enamel spoon with desert scene (most items af)
3166 x Vintage Australian Celco Sydney cigarette lighters
317Vintage Heavy Bronze Tibet Buddha Statue - Avalokitesvara Buddha w 4 Arms - impressed mark to base
318Grp costume jewellery & box - chains, earrings, necklaces, bracelet, glass beads, gemstones etc
319Lot of Vintage 1950s New Screen News Magazine - Approx 22 Magazines
320Small lot of Retro Glass & Ceramics incl Pair of Japanese Ceramic Crabs, Small Coloured Glass Liquor Set w Decanter & Glasses etc
321Group Lot Modernist Items - incl 3 x Mary-Lou Pittard Hand Painted Ceramics (signed & dated) & Joyas Design Yin-Yang Silver Plated S&P Shakers
3222 x Vintage c1930s brass and chrome plated table cigarette lighters
323Group Shoe ornaments inc Pair English Boot Shot Glass Measures 1 & 1 12 oz, Pair ceramic boots with Flower laces, Aqua Glass advertising Woodsides Boots (af), Novelty slipper, Metal shoe & boot
3242 x Vintage Barclay table cigarette lighters with push button mechanism
325Group Modernist ceramics inc Set of 6 Portmerion The Botanic Gardens small ramekins & Villeroy & Boch Paloma Picasso Sun, Moon & Stars Demitasse Cup & Saucer
326Small group - Pair of Vintage Ceramic & Metal Lamp Bases , Wooden Box w Carved Decoration & Small DANGER 415 Volts Bus Bar Tin Sign
327Linda Sheard (Active c1910 20s) Pair small Gilt Framed Watercolours - Evening on the River & Heading Out - both signed lower right & dated 1917 & 1919 - 12x17cm Each
328Mixed Group inc Cloisonne vase & Stand - portrait Geisha girl to front & back 20cm H, Carved bone, 6 glass paperweights - small black base with white & yellow daisies etc
3292 x Vintage Items - incl Chinese Bronze Censer, Incense Burner (21cm H) & Tibetan Buddha Sculpture (29cm H)
3302 x Mounted Bar Tap Pulls w Tetley & Tolley Beer Badges
331Large Mounted Taxidermy Deer - Antlers removed - 100cm tip of ear to base
3322 x vintage Mounted Taxidermy Fox Heads - slightly af
333Lot of Vintage Typeset Equipment incl Letters, Symbols, Various Designs, Vintage booklet for the guidance of the miehle two revolution press, Wooden Roller Tool , Book on Practical Printing & Binding etc
334Box vintage unused glass & other photography plates inc Kodak etc
335Group Royal Doulton Series ware inc Small Vases Sir Roger De Coverley miniature vase, Gaffers Vase, Country Cottages serving bowl, Springtime small bowl Large Cabinet plates etc
336Group lot of English China inc Royal Winton Grimwades Hazel Chintz Cup & Saucer, Carlton Ware Buttercup 4 pce cruet set, Creamer & underplate & Yellow Primula plate
337Vintage 1971 The Last Whole Earth Catalogue Access to Tools, Large Paper Back Book
338Group lot vintage ceramics inc Clarice Cliff Aqua & Cream part teaset (small chip to rim teapot), Maling Ware Lustre cabinet plate, Aust Pottery Diana prawn plate etc
339Vintage Beswick Laurel & Hardy Salt & Peppers with under tray
3402 x Pieces 1930s Art Deco incl Paper Fan Advertising Parfum Pompeia LT Piver Designed by Brunelles Chic & Lidded Tin
341Set of 5 x Vintage Lidded Enamelled Green Speckle Kitchen Canisters
342Vintage c1960s Spanish Pottery Charger featuring Handpainted Fish Design - marked to back NULLCeramNULL, possibly by Puigdemont - 21cm Diam
3436 x Ronson stylish shaped table cigarette lighters inc Rondelight, Varaflame Rondo, Lotus, Senator etc
344c1990s NULLWilliam The HippoNULL Sculptures by Metropolitan Museum of Art New York - 2 x Ceramic Sculptures marked MMA to base (largest 11cm H x 21cm W) & Soft Toy
3454 x Vintage Royal Doulton Dewars Whisky decanters inc The Watchman, Tony Weller etc
346Group Vintage Royal Winton inc Pair of Opera Scenes Comports Tiger Lily Yellow comport, Opera Series pin dishes etc
347Group - Vintage Australian Pottery - Large Remued Ribbed Vase, unmarked Cornwells & Hoffman vases + Dyson Jug, Studio Anna dish, etc - largest 29cm H
3483 x stylish Art Deco & modernist table cigarette lighters inc Mackay NULLSilentrubaNULL etc
349Mid Century Schumann Arzberg 7pce Coffee Set - Coffee Pot, Creamer, Sugar & 4 cups & saucers
3503 x Bar items inc Royal Doulton Dewars Decanter & Tankard with Rhyme and Crystal & EPNS Claret Jug
3512 pieces - Ronson Fantasy Veraflame table lighter plus musical cigarette dispenser
352Group vintage Crested Ware - Buildings inc Carlton Pump House & Oast House, Eddystone Lighthouse, Tommys Hut, Commemorative World War 1 etc
353Box lot of Cameras & Camera Accessories incl SLR Cameras, Digital Camera, Camera Lenses, Manuals etc
354Vintage Rowenta Electronic German cigarette table lighter in the style of a camera
355c1900 Roskopf nickel plated hunter pocket watch - works, front glass missing
356Small Lot of Sterling Silver Fob Medallions & Badges incl Sale of the Century Sterling Silver Gold Plated Pin by Bruce & Walsh, Gold Lined Medallions some w Inscriptions etc
3577 x Vintage New Zealand Sterling Silver Teaspoons w Paua Shell Decoration & Shell Coin Purse
3582 x Vintage Hand Painted Porcelain Chinese Snuff Bottles w Jade Stoppers - one signed to base
3592 x long vintage Chinese hediao nut seed prayer bead necklaces
360Group lot of Vintage Items inc Baccarat Pierie diamond cut lidded trinket box, Swarovski tankard, row boat & turtle (af)) Siam silver spoon & a Dorcas thimble
361Mexican sterling silver modernist fish shape pendant with marks sighted to back
362Art Deco necklace - gilt filigree with lapis and crystal beads, drop pendant with lapis, crystal, white enamel and orange stones
3632 x Vintage Fob Watches incl Unicorn Fob Watch Missing The Front Glass & Waterbury Watch Marked Sterling Silver to Back
364Vintage boxed Push Button Cig-O-Mat Safety Dash Cigarette Lighter Box with minor damage
3656 x Vintage erotic small glass plate negatives in Kodak box
3663 pces Sterling Silver inc Medalion with monogram, Israelian Oblong Pendant etc
3671989 Bronze Italy USSR Summit Cossiga Gorbachev Table medal 6cm D
368Pair vintage Japanese Sterling Silver Shamisen Guitar Salt & Peppers - marked Sterling Japan
369Modernist Group Lot - incl Boxed 327 Georg Jensen Sterling Silver Brooch by Henning Koppel (marks sighted) & 2 x Empty Georg Jensen Jewellery Boxes
3702 x 9ct y gold Rings - shaped eternity ring with small dias & diamond shaped with sapphire, white stones - TW approx 3 3 grms
371Vintage 9ct rose gold boomerang shaped brooch with flower set with pink Tourmaline - approx 2 1 grms
372Pair vintage 18ct white & yellow gold old cut diamond drop earrings - love heart with arrow suspended from swallow with tiny ruby eye - 30 dias total - TW 6 2 grms
3731950s ladies 9ct white gold and diamond cased Darwil cocktail watch with 16 diams to each shoulder, various sizes - works
374Vintage 9ct rose gold Cigarette Case - patterned, worn English hallmark - TW approx 55 grms
375Vintage Mounted Taxidermy Trout - approx 70cm L
376Eusebi Diaz Costa (1909 - 1964) Spanish Pottery Charger w Handpainted Fish Design - signed with initials DC, lower centre - 21 5cm Diam
377Vintage Cantonese Famile Rose China Set - in Fitted Lacquerware Box , 3 x Pces af
378Vintage Japanese Two-Piece Ikebana Usubata Bronze Vase - 19th Century Meiji period - one leg slightly loose - 26cm H
379Art Deco Chrome Plated Cast Metal Dianna Lamp w Original Period Shade - approx 50cm H
380Art Deco Chrome Plated Cast Metal Dianna Lamp w White Ball Shaped Shade - approx 54cm H
3812 x Vintage Royal Doulton Large Character Jugs inc Pied Piper D6403 & The Falconer D6533 - Tallest 20cm H
382Small group lot - Christofle EPNS Tea Strainer, German 835 Silver pierced Cake Lifter & 1930s Carlton Ware Serving Dish w waterfall ends 32cm L
383Group vintage Crested Ware Inc WW1 Ambulance, Cornish Pasty, Devil looking over Lincoln, Sir Francis Drake, Fish, Turtle etc
3843 pces coloured Victorian glass - c1900 fluted ruby glass bowl, shallow green bowl with enamel decoration & blue oil lamp with handle
3851930s Bretby Ware figure - Mr Micawber - shape 3079 - 23cms H
386Vintage c1950s NULLEnvoy CoversNULL Colour Sample Folder
3872 x Vintage Royal Doulton Large Character Jugs inc The Poacher D6429 & Lobster Man D6617 Tallest 21cm H
3883 x Vintage Melba Ware Toby Jugs inc Henry VIII 19cm H , The Tale Teller & Punch (af chip to foot)
389Vintage Cigarette Card Album & Contents with Fixed Telegram to back of Soldier Killed in WW1 (John William McDougall) and mainly Wills Arms of the British empire
3903 pces Art glass - red Whitefriars brandy balloon, red Whitefriars jug & Art Nouveau Roemer hock glass
3912 x Royal Doulton Bunnykins Figures inc Captain Cook DB 251 & Federation DB 224 13cm H
392Kenny Pittock Australian Artist (Melbourne) Hot Dog with Mustard Clay sculpture 22cm L signed & dated 2021
393Vintage Cloisonne Vase & Stand - Deep red with floral 26cm H
394Pair vintage Gouda Ceramic clogs 10 5cm L - Marked to base Royal Zuid Holland
3952 x Novelty Glass Ornaments of Yayoi Kusama & Iris Apfel - approx 12cm H
3961927 hcover Australian volume - The Platypus - by Harry Burrell, pub by Angus & Robertson, Sydney 1927 w 35 plates in Colour & B&W
397Vintage Remued Australian Pottery Vase w Ribbed Design & Branch Style Handle - Approx 18cm H
3982 x Puigdemont 1960s Spanish Pottery Chargers - both w Handpainted Fish Decoration - both signed verso - 28 & 25cm Diam Each
399Small vintage Minton Hollins & Co English Art Pottery Astra Ware vase - Mottled Blues with slight Yellow coming through, marked to base - 15 5cm H
4002 x Vintage Victorian Uranium Glass Vases w Hand Painted Floral Decorations - Approx 31cm H, Damage Sighted to One Vase
4011930s Part Set of Uranium Frosted Green Glass Dressing Table Set by Bagley Whitby Cat3002
402Approx 23 x c1890+ Australian glass plate negatives - men of horseback, picnic, people dressed as native American Indians, scenery, 1912 receipt, etc - 21 x 16cms & 13 x 10 approx
403c1890 Thorton Pickard Special Ruby Folding Plate Camera - Wood Interior in Original Leath case with accessories - Kodak Cut Film Sheaths & Developer
4043 x wooden boxes large qty c1880+ Australian glass plate negatives - scenic, horse wagon, Warrnambool cave, Rockbank, Macedon, people etc approx 21 x 16 cms